Welcome to Seattle Center

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Most Seattle Center parking facilities are available for monthly parking.  Seattle Center has the most competitive and flexible monthly parking rates in the neighborhood.  This is a great opportunity if you live or work in our neighborhood.


  • You may renew your permit by mail. Mail your check or money order by the 20th of each month to receive your permit or parking access card in time for the new month. Mail payment to: Seattle Center Transportation Services, 305 Harrison Street, Seattle, WA. 98109. Please allow two weeks processing for mail-in orders.
  • To purchase your permit or parking access card in person, please visit our office at 516 Harrison St. The Monthly Parking Sales Office is open Monday through Friday 7:15 AM - 3:15 PM and observes all City of Seattle designated holidays. There are two 15-minute office visit parking stalls just inside the Harrison St entrance for conducting business with the Transportation Services office.


  • 1-9: $185.00
  • 10 or More: $180.00
  • For new purchases there will be a $5.00 charge for your parking access card.

All Hours 24/7 (subject to change to designated hours - 12:01 AM to 5:30 PM - with 30-day notice).


  • Your monthly parking payment is due by the last day of the month preceding the month for which you are purchasing -- there is no grace period.
  • Monthly parking is available on a first-come-first-served basis and parking stalls are not reserved.
  • Following proper traffic patterns and safety rules is our imperative -- we ask that you never enter through an exit, drive the wrong way in a one-way lane, or exceed the 10 mph speed limit.
  • Parking only in a properly designated stall is the expectation -- not doing so may result in a citation.
  • All rates are subject to change without written notice. However, it has been our practice to give at least 30 days notice on our website and in our office.
  • There are no refunds for unused parking.
  • Do not leave valuables in your car or do so at your own risk.
  • Neither Seattle Center nor the City of Seattle is responsible for damage to, nor theft of your vehicle or its contents.


  • Phone: (206) 615-1906 (Monday - Friday)

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